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µCNC config generator

Hi there,

Welcome to µCNC basic configuration generator.

If you have a previous stored build configuration file (json) you can load it.

Basic settings
Advanced settings
Basic board settings
Special purpose timmers and features
Name must be between quotation marks (string)
Board pin mapping
µCNC pin Pin number Pin port Pullup ISR CHANNEL TIMER MUX IO OFFSET(74HC595)
Limit switches
Multi drive axis
Multi motor axis
Tools options
ENABLE_COOLANT is disabled! Some options might be ommited.
Laser options
SPI and I2C Expansion interfaces

Software SPI port

TMC drivers
TMC driver support moved to modules.
74HC595 IC IO extender
Enable extension options
Enable extension modules
Custom boardmap configs
Custom hal configs

Config µCNC

To build your custom version of µCNC follow these steps: